UNAM's offices abroad represent the University in a global environment. Nowadays, the University extends its substantive functions (teaching, research, and dissemination of culture) in other latitudes, through 12 offices outside the country, located on 3 continents and 8 countries, namely:

The main purpose of the headquarters is the teaching, evaluation, and certification of Spanish for foreigners, as well as the training of teachers of Spanish as a second language;
They are an instance for the entailment, collaboration, and academic exchange with universities and higher education institutions, government agencies or any educational or cultural entity from various countries and regions of the world; strengthening the UNAM internationalization project,
the dissemination of its activities through the promotion of the exchange of researchers and teachers, as well as the mobility of students; promoting Mexican culture studies, particularly those oriented to the relations of Mexico with the country or region where they are located; and representing a place to support Mexicans abroad.
The offices are attached to the International Head Office (CRAI) of the UNAM.
Currently, there is the PUMA Program, which integrates intensive language courses, in immersion, in some UNAM offices abroad. It is promoted among the university community and is carried out, in the inter-semester periods. This Program is better known as “Verano e Invierno Puma” (PUMA SUMMER and WINTER).